wellness center
Academic Project: Undergraduate Thesis
Nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of the city is a Wellness Center dedicated to promoting good health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Since architecture plays a role in governing how a person can feel, the Wellness center is designed to nurture people, relieve stress and exude a sense of contentment. The space has developed keeping in mind how colour, natural light, nature, sound, materials and architectural proportions can play a role in architecture as therapy. Following the natural contours, the built form burrows between landscaped mounds, lush greenery and the still serenity of a lake. This is in direct contrast to the unrelenting stimuli of the 21st century that has wide-ranging effects on the mental health of the city-dweller, who is constantly experiencing rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and growing technological dependencies. It then paves the way for a new typology of architecture which is not a rehab center, a health center, a theme park but rather an amalgamation of them all, where one is at peace with themselves and with nature.
Site Area : 5 acres
Duration : Jan - May 2019
Location : Saket, New Delhi, India
Thesis guide : Dr. Ila Gupta
Mentor: Amit Gupta
The program was generated based on the recreation and rejuvenation of the human mind and body. Spaces like a therapy center, a library, a spa. yoga pavilions, activity zones and art studios are connected to nature through abundant views, gardens and courtyards. The experience also alternates between a choice of interaction and introspection. One can choose to heal with others, heal through nature or heal in isolation. a sommelier’s table at the fourth bay.
process diagrams
Landscape is an integral part of the project with it also being one of the main concepts. The whole idea was to provide the element of color in the site through the flora, and the fauna. Ranging from red in the entry to white on the island to pink near the therapy center, the trees since they have different blooming cycles, provide a different experience to the site every day and every season.